Friday, 20 April 2012

It's Friday!

Hey all! How are y'all doing lol hanging around Texans to much!!! I just love their accents lol

Today for chapel we sang I am free, and I thought of all my Sunday school kids and leading them in worship! I miss leading them!

After chapel I got to do therapy with a child named Amanda! When she I first started she was very stiff and at the end of the one on one session she was very relaxed which was neat to see!

Then I helped out again in pre-k...they are such sweeties, typical stubborn kids, but I enjoy a challenge! Reminds me of a few of the more challenging children I've worked with thru work and thru church!

After that it was lunch time!!! And again I went down to help the tias!!! Feed the children. It's one of my favorite times of the day lol! I helped pass out the lunch to the children and called them by name...they giggled and laughed at my gringo accent trying to say their names lol! And the cook wanted to feed I ate a creamy middle soup that was amazing (had to take a lot of lactose pills for it!!! Lol- and didn't get sick!!! Thanks God!) and I had a beet salad, rice and a battered deep fried beef...oh my goodness what it yummy...Rico!!!!!!

After lunch I held more babies! And later on I hung out with Edison and John-Paul (he is the son of Patti-sue the director and founder of CDF) we walked around the property trying to find grasshoppers and butterflies! And then we took rocks to the creek and thru them in to the water and watched the splush! They really enjoyed it and I can't lie I actually enjoyed throwing rocks into the water lol!

And the day was over! Walked home...good news is the hill is getting easier to climb!!! PTL (if you see PTL-it means praise the Lord!!!)

When I got home I was checking Facebook and emails, and I fell asleep! Had a good 45 to an hour nap! Which was ok cuz at 7 we headed out to a youth group called young life with the older girls from CDF! They really enjoyed it! There were lots of large games! And a little message as well as snack! There were about 30 or 40 youth there ranging from 10-18! A lot of them were neighborhood kids that dont 'know' God. I put know in quotations cuz they know of God but He is not present in their lives. Please pray for the youth of Shell.

There is also a girl in the hospital from CDF...her name is Rayana. She is the girl in on of the pictures I posted a few days ago on her stomach in her bed...well she is in the hospital right now with pneumonia :-(

My legs are still REALLY itchy :-( my. Mom emailed me tonight and told me to mix baking soda and water to make a paste so I did that! My mom is so smart!!!! Love you mom! It is working at the moment! The bites aren't itchy!!! Ah so relief! Please pray it continues to work!!!

Oh a praise report...I was very worried about my bills back at home and not having enough money to pay them...well I just checked my bank account and my income tax return refund was deposited into my account just before a few of my bills were coming out!!! God is good and he provides!!!

Well it's 11:15pm and I'm so tired! I'm gonna call it a night! Good night y'all!!! Lol


  1. Hola, Carlita! So glad to hear you are enjoying yourself - it sounds to me like you are just in your element! There's nothing more rewarding than when we are doing something we have been created for, and you were definitely created with a heart for these (and other) kids! I realize you are probably busy, but if you get a chance to upload a few more pictures, I'd love to see more :) What does your Ecuador home look like? Maybe pics of some of what you are doing? (I'm making up stuff in my head when I read your blog, haha - would love to see some of the actual if you get the chance!) The rainforest looks beautiful, and those kids are darn cute! (And my own "two left feet" sympathize with your dance troubles... but you should dance just for the fun of it! Haha, and then dance with the chicos and chicas!)

    Love and prayers,

  2. I'm sooo glad that you found relief! Wishing I was there with you :) We'd have a blast! loves and hugs!
